К большому сожалению всего "железного" мира прекратил работу англоязыяный сайт Guru3d.com. Автор сайта написал содержательное письмо посетителям своего сайта:
Dear visitor,
After working over 5 years on this site I have decided to throw in the white
towel, Guru3D.com will cease to exist after upcoming Monday.
Let me explain my motivation and reasons. Last Thursday we got a letter
from our current host Playnet. This company had decided to boot all their affiliates
due to the current state of the Internet. This has happened often to us. The
internet is a hard place, however Im used to that.
The past 12 months Guru3D.com took of from 500.000 pageviews to 5 million
pageviews monthly. Prognosis for December 2001 was almost 7 million pageviews.
Something Im extremely proud of. Lets face it, if that many content is being
read I must be doing something right.
However, Im tired .. tired of switching to new servers constantly, tired
of seeking new hosts and mostly tired of working on the site constantly. Being
chief editor on a site like Guru3D.com is basically a one man operation when
it comes to content. 90% of the workload is being done by me. I have a normal
daytime job, the past two years my day starts at 05:15 each morning and starts
with the site, when I return from the normal job I continue with the site, usually
I stop at 20:00, thats 75 hours a week excluding the weekends which I mostly
used to write up articles and do research on new products which then totals
in 85+ hours of work weekly.
Im getting my normal life back before its too late, in return Ill have to
disband my greatest passion for well over five years. Please, do not blame this
on Playnet, the fact that they give their affiliates a 5 day notice to move
out is of course ridiculous. But for over a year they have given us everything
we needed to do our thing, with no strings attached. In fact its just sad that
such a company with such potential is going down.
With this letter I want to thank each and every one of you for visiting
this site, I thank all editors, webmasters, manufacturers, advertisers, networks,
affiliates and most of all all the people I knew personally especially the ones
in that wicked forum of ours, you know who you are .. I love you people.
Im honestly writing this letter with tears in my eyes, please dont try to
contact me as this will make my decision only harder and Im having such a very
difficult time with it as it is already. Please respect this last wish.
Thank you so much ...
Hilbert Hagedoorn
В этом письме автор называет причину закрытия ресурса: из-за проблем с хостерами - они в очередной просят перенести хостинг на другой адрес, мотивируя большим трафиком от сайта, а еще Хилберта (хозяин сайта) просто-напросто все достало за пять лет и он хочет отдохнуть!